Sunday 10 August 2008



Commercial Success

Aerobics has long been recognised as a popular and effective way to lose weight. For many, this can also lead, as a first step, to the goal of becoming fitter as well.

Accordingly, there have been a number of commercial benefits associated with this trend, including:

Billy Blank, an American fitness guru and inventor of the Tao Bo exercise programme, helped popularise cardio boxing in the 1990’s, which involved workouts that incorporate martial arts movements

Richard Simmons, a fitness personality who promoted weight loss programmes, hosted an aerobic exercise show on television, starting in the 1980’s, which continued using a variety of exercise videos

The Nia Technique was developed in the 1980’s and was an aerobic exercise consisting of a blend of three dance arts (Isadora Duncan dance, modern dance and jazz dance), three martial arts (aikido, tao kwon do and tai chi), and three healing arts (Alexander Technique, yoga and Feldenkrais). It is a form of non impact aerobics, also known as Neuromuscular Integrative Action. His format was in complete contrast to the popular “no pain no gain” philosophy of the time, and helped to combat the problem of impact injuries

Popular in the 1970’s as effective and enjoyable means of keeping in trim, jogging and tennis were seen as a milestone.

Judi Sheppard Missett largely contributed to the creation of the market for commercial aerobics with the introduction of her Jazzercise programme in the 1970’s, which was a fitness regime that combined elements of jazz dance into aerobic exercise.

Aerobics – How To Succeed

Peter Radford writes Articles with Websites on a wide range of subjects. Aerobics articles cover Background, History, Types of Exercise, Benefits, Aerobic Capacity, Other Issues, Commercial Success.
Website has many more.
View his Website at: